Can you believe NAMIWalks NYC is just two weeks away?
We’re on track to draw the biggest crowd yet, while raising vital funds to support individuals and families affected by mental illness from all over New York City. With your help, we’ll be able to meet NAMIWalks NYC’s mission to spread awareness and raise the funds required for free support and education in the coming year.
If every team reaches its goal, you’ll have raised more than $275,000 for individuals and families facing mental illness. Amazing!
Here are a few ideas to keep you moving ahead.
1) It all adds up! $10 trains one support parent for the Parent Matching Program. $25 covers the cost of a Basics class for one caregiver. $50 covers the cost of Peer-to-Peer class materials for 10 participants. Tell your donors that gifts at every level have a major impact.
2) You never know who has been touched by mental illness - it could be your neighbor, colleague or a friend of someone you know. Go through your email list – friends, neighbors, co-workers, classmates, your doctor, babysitter, etc. Send them your fundraising email, and then follow up! You may find someone affected by mental illness in your network to walk on our team – which will make the event all the more meaningful.
3) The Fact: Did you know that the average person needs several reminders before they donate? Don’t give up just because you haven’t heard back. People who want to support you and your commitment may need an extra reminder that there are just two weeks left! Let them know that every dollar counts in the fight against stigma, and that there is still time to donate.
4) If you haven’t started fundraising yet, it’s not too late – here’s a sample letter to use so you can get started today!
Dear Friend,
On Saturday, May 7, I will join thousands of people as part of the fifth annual NAMIWalks NYC, an event that raises money for the National Alliance on Mental Illness of New York City. The goals of this journey are to raise funds for education and support, to erase the stigma surrounding mental illness, to encourage people who need it to seek treatment, and to show support for the families and friends of the one in four Americans who experiences a mental health challenge each year.
I am writing to you today to ask for your support of my efforts.
I know from my own experience that serious mental illness can be a struggle. [Briefly describe your own experience here.]
By participating in this event, I hope to raise awareness of the serious threat that mental illness can pose and the treatment options that can help people live full and productive lives. If one person talks honestly about mental illness or seeks treatment for an illness, my efforts to walk on May 7 and to raise money for this cause will be worthwhile.
Please take a moment to watch this CBS News video from last year’s Walk. Then think about what you might give to this cause and donate online at my team page: [Insert your page link here]
We hope that you will help us reach that goal by making a donation today.
Thank you for taking the time to read this note and for your generous support!
[Insert your signature here]