Keeping Healthy All Year Long

Join us for our 5th annual NAMIWalks NYC May 7, 2011. Sign up at today!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Winter Blues : Try These Mood Menders

EAT A HEALTHY BREAKFAST. Starting your day with protein, complex carbs and fiber not only fuels your morning, it helps keep your blood sugar steady all day. By the way a doughnut is not a proper breakfast. Opt for a yogurt sprinkled with walnuts and topped with your favorite berries or a bowl of whole-grain cereal with low fat milk and sliced banana.

Time till mood boost: 15 minutes to one hour.

WORK OUT. You already know that exercise is good for your body, but it also has terrific mood- and energy-boosting benefits as well. Both aerobic exercise and weightlifting have been found to produce endorphins, the body's natural feel-good chemicals. Several studies, including one at Duke University, have found that, at least for some people, regular exercise--even brisk walking--can combat depression as effectively as taking certain medications. (If you have symptoms of clinical depression, such as persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness, ideas about suicide, difficulty eating, sleeping or thinking, or a general lack of interest in life, get help from your doctor or a mental-health professional.)

Time till mood boost: Half an hour to several weeks.

SEE THE LIGHT. During the winter months when the days are shorter and bad weather hides the sun we often spend too much time indoors. Many people experience low energy, depression and even gaining weight. Sun light is the primary way to absorb vitamin D so be sure to check your levels to rule out a deficiency. Try matching your light exposure to the rhythms of a normal day. Take a morning walk in the sunshine, and limit your light exposure in the hours before bedtime.

Time till mood boost: Immediate to several days.

GET SOCIAL. It's tempting to just hibernate inside but just spending time with a friend or group of friends can provide an instant pickup. Not only is this enjoyable, research has also shown that people with more social support are healthier, have better-functioning immune systems, even live longer. So don't make any excuses...go be social.

Time till mood boost: Immediate.

TAKE A BREATH. Deep breathing is one of the fastest tension busters around, lowering levels of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol and, according to one Harvard researcher, reducing feelings of depression. Here's one simple way to do it: Sit up straight and put your right hand on your abdomen and your left on your chest. Breathe deeply. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth so that the right hand moves with your breath while the left hand stays still. Do this for several long, slow breaths, then concentrate on the newly relaxed feeling of your body as you return to breathing normally.

Time till mood boost: Immediate to several minutes.

LISTEN TO TUNES: Listening to music has a powerful effect on people's moods,In one study, listening to music reduced stress-hormone levels up to 41 percent. It's the music itself — not the lyrics — that affects mood. So listen to something with an upbeat rhythm and melody.

Time till mood boost: Immediate

SMELL: Essential oils contain natural phytochemicals that impact the limbic system. When you inhale the scent of an oil, the brain releases various neurochemicals to create physiological changes in body, mind and spirit. When you smell lavender, for example, serotonin gets released, producing a calming influence in the body.

Time till mood boost: Immediate

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day - Love Thy Self

I never loved the idea of Valentine's Day because it always feels so exclusive. Like a party only couples are invited to. I think everyone deserves love and that's why today I'm celebrating love for the self!

Without self-love we do not have the ability to love and give ourselves to others completely. We can’t be a good friend, daughter, brother, sister, wife or husband. If we won't love ourselves how can we expect someone else to?

Remember that we all deserve love and happiness. Love yourself for everything you do. Love your flaws because they are yours. Be your own best friend! Spend today reflecting on the love you give yourself. Write yourself love letter and read it often to remind yourself YOU ARE LOVED.

Have a Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stay Healthy and Happy All Year Long

17 Way to Avoid Depression
12 Tips for Exercising on the
5 Things you Should Never Lie to you Doctor
7 Healthy Valentine's Day

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

REMINDER: NAMIWalks NYC Kickoff Tomorrow Night!

Don't miss the official Kick-off to NAMIWalks NYC.

Thursday, February 3, 2011
HB Burger
127 est 43rd Street Between 6th and 7th Avenues
6:00-8:00 PM

Win great raffle prizes, taste yummy food and learn more about what makes NAMIWalks NYC so special.

RSVP to Ariel Hurwitz at or call 212-684-3365.

See you at the party!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Are You A Walk Star?

If you set a fundraising goal of $1000 or higher you will automatically be registered as a NAMIWalks NYC 2011 Walk Star.

Walk Stars can expect to receive the following incentives and benefits:

- Invitation to special Walk Star reception
- Special registration area to avoid long lines

Upon reaching your goal you will:
- Automatically be entered into a raffle drawing
- Receive a commemorative NAMIWalks 2011
T-Shirt, Pin and Hat

Register as a Walk Star NOW!